• 2012/03/08

Europejska Fundacja Praw Człowieka zaprasza do ubiegania się na międzynarodowe szkolenie z możliwością otrzymania stypendium w ramach projektu Grundvig.

International training: Your Power, Our Power
Empowerment as means to promote active citizenship and inclusive societies
Five-day training
Dates training: 2-7 September 2012
Location: Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Deadlines: Pre application at Radar: 6 April 2012
Final deadline application Grundtvig mobility grant: 30 April 2012
Eligible countries (Grundtvig mobility grant): European Union and Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey

The training
The Your Power, Our Power training is an empowerment training for educators, trainers, students, and social activists who want to learn methods and approaches that empower disenfranchised and socially or economically disadvantaged people like migrants, refugees and unemployed and that leads to social action for a fair society without discrimination and inequality.

For whom
For everyone who wants to empower people that they can deal with discrimination and exclusion and those who wants to find new ways to work towards an inclusive society.
· Trainers and adult educators
· Youth workers
· Teachers and teacher trainers
· Students
· Social activists

This training will be organised in the framework of the EU Grundtvig program.
Participants will be self-responsible to apply for a Grundtvig mobility grant. You can apply for a Grundtvig mobility grant if you live in an EU country or in the non-EU countries: Croatia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland or Turkey

The training is based on the training methods of the Powerschool, an empowerment training for young people developed by the Dutch organization RADAR and the training PHARE (Peace, Human rights and Anti-racism Education) developed by the South African organization Umtapo Centre.

Training organizations
The training will be organized by the organizations RADAR, Umtapo and United for International Action.

· RADAR (Rotterdam, Netherlands) is a NGO for equality and against discrimination. RADAR promotes equality and aims for an inclusive society that offers equal opportunities for all. RADAR has developed different empower training programs, like the 5-day Powerschool training.

· Umtapo Centre (Durban, South Africa) is a non-profit development organization whose mission is to engage in education, training, community mobilization, and networking in order to empower people, particularly youth, to take control of their own lives in the struggle for sustainable development, peace, and human rights.

· United for International Action (Amsterdam, Netherlands) is the European Network against nationalism, racism, fascism and in support of migrants and refugees. UNITED coordinates, supports and strengthens a network of 560 organizations from 46 European countries.

See for more information

· Attachtments: information leaflet & pre application form
· And the international Comenius – Grundtvig Training Database: http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=31723

If you want more information or if you want to apply for the training, please contact training coordinator TikHo Ong (senior trainer RADAR):  th.ong@radar.nl

TikHo Ong
Senior trainer

Website: www.radar.nl
Adress: Grotekerkplein 5, 3011 GC Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Phone: +31-(0)10-4113911
Mobile: +31-(0)6-11884184

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