- 2012/09/26
Zaproszenie dla młodych dziennikarzy
Zachęcamy do ubiegania się o udział w 15-ej międzynarodowej konferencji antykorupcyjnej w Brazylii. Wyselekcjonowany dziennikarz będzie pracować pod przewodnictwem Transparency International’s Social Media Unit nad raportem o różnych mediach socjalnych oraz o nowych kanałach medialnych, w tym IACC blog, Facebook, Twitter i Youtube.
Wyselekcjonowany dziennikarz będzie miał również możliwość przedstawić swoje opowiadanie własnych serwisach informacyjnych, comiesięcznie pisać blogi/artykuły na internetową stronę IACC, a także ma szansę nawiązać kontakt z krajowym działem Transparency International w swoim kraju.
Termin aplikowania upływa 5 października 2012 r.
What you’ll receive
If you’re chosen, you will be invited to report on the 15th IACC in Brasilia, Brazil. You’ll receive a pre-conference training session with Transparency International, a round-trip economy travel ticket to Brasilia, refund for any visa costs, accommodation for five nights, airport transfers, meals, and the opportunity to learn more about corruption at a global scale and meet key players in this important field. You will be responsible for your own travel insurance.
What we’re looking for
- Someone not over 35 years old.
- A working journalist or blogger of any nationality with at least one year of work experience. You should also be currently based in one of the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Greenland, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia/FYR, Moldova, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, Ukraine.
- We’re looking for photojournalists; video broadcast journalists, print/online journalists and tech-savvy journalists with experience working across different platforms.
- A professional command of English.
- Journalists with an interest in creating change and fighting corruption, who are keen to learn more about Transparency International, the IACC Series and the issues we work on.
How do you apply?
Write a short essay (400-500 words) in English on why you want to join our social media unit and what you can do to contribute to our social media unit from now until the 15th IACC, as well as during the Conference.
Plus, send us links/samples of your prior work in the form of articles, photos, and blogs on topics related to what will be discussed at the conference. The more we can learn about you, the better!
And finally, include a resume/CV in English with references.
What happens next?
All applications will be reviewed and assessed by a team of representatives from Transparency International. Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted.
We invite everyone who is qualified and passionate about what Transparency International and the IACC Series stands for to apply and be part of this incredible experience!
For more information: www.15iacc.org